My planned workshop TAP into your Calm for Sunday 29 March has been rescheduled. This workshop was created to assist teens and young people to manage anxiety and to tap into calm. The more I spoke with people about the content of this one day workshop, which includes: Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT or Tapping) Energy […]

I have not written any blogs for a while as I’ve been doing all sorts of things. So here’ s a summary, a blog binge, a blinge if you may. A brief overview of what’s been happening with Rachel Wilkinson Counselling now trading as Wello Well. What happened in 2019? Reiki Masters – I completed […]

I know the importance of lists. I come from a long line of literate listy types. Currently I have lists in my diary of clients to follow up on, appointments, how many people we have coming for Christmas lunch, how many more squad training sessions until we start again in January, how many more days […]